observations from a slightly mad german-american

Thursday, August 30, 2007

You know you want to watch this!

What does it say about me that I want to see this movie?


Meditation for Difficult Times

I wanted to pass along something that has helped to calm the inner storm
when in the midst of turmoil. Meditating on this has been invaluable.

I don't remember who originally penned it...


"Do not fear what may happen to you tomorrow.

The same loving father who cares for you today
will care for you tomorrow and every day.

Either he will shield you from suffering,
or give you unfailing strength to bear it.

Be at peace then, and put aside
all anxious thoughts and imaginings"

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

iPhone Must-Have

If you want, you can pay Apple a gazillion dollars for their bluetooth headset for their iPhone.

Or, you can get this

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Drowning in my .... mail

I *fear* my inbox.

That feeling of dread that consumes me when I start Mail is something I'd just as soon avoid. So I check it once per week at most.

Too many messages coming in... the rules that I spent hours (!!!) setting up to organize and highlight messages are marginally useful now... I just know going in that I'm going to be there for a while trying to separate the wheat from the chaff.

Add to that fact that I'm a hopeless pack rat -- I think I've saved 50,000+ messages -- and you have a need for manageability.

So much for this great thing that once made it easier for me to communicate with the world around me, and vice versa....

Well, I want the joy of emailing back!  So, I'll be watching Merlin Mann's Zero-Inbox talk at Google.


http://www.43folders.com/2007/07/25/merlins-inbox-zero-talk/ http://www.43folders.com


If you catch a writing bug and you don't want to go the route of big publishing houses to get your work out there, there are resources available to help you sucessfully self publish.

One of them is lulu.com

They can bind and print your books, and provide an online marketplace.